You know you are in the south when everything is fried, the accents are thick, and you have been invited to bible study. Consider this your invitation to bible study. Last quarter I completed Beth Moore’s bible study A Women’s Heart on my own. It is not always easy to continue growing your faith when school demands so much time. That is why I believe group bible study and Christian chiropractic club are so important. It gives us an opportunity to fellowship with people who understand what you are going through. We can pray about the stressful things like exams or in my case missing my family, and praise God for the joys when we pass our tests.
Rachel and I were talking that we should do a bible study together, so this quarter I am leading Beth Moore’s bible study on the book of James called Mercy Triumphs. It is an 8-week course that includes weekly video sessions. If you want to dive in deeper there is daily homework or you can even go as far as to write the whole book of James! The plan is to start this Tuesday October 8, 2013 in OC3 at 7:00pm. This way we can take a week off in the middle for mid-terms and still be finished before finals.
The bible study is open to all women associated with Sherman: faculty, staff, students, and wives of Sherman students. I know that everyone is at a different point in their faith walk. For some people this might be your 1st bible study, for others you are seasoned veteran, whatever your level I welcome you all.