L.C.W... Love Crazy Weekends? I think not. It stands for League of Chiropractic Women. They are a global organization that seeks to be "a voice for all women in chiropractic—DCs, CAs, spouses, students,
administrators, teachers and more. [Their] focus is to empower women in
chiropractic, and to develop leaders in the profession." according to their website (http://www.lcwomen.com/).
I have heard this banner spoken many times during the break hour at Sherman since I have many friends in the local Sherman chapter of LCW. I have asked my friends as well as club President Anna Elkins if I can be a member [in an admittedly sarcastic tone], however, being a man I am not allowed in their meetings.
I have heard rumors of a men's auxiliary club starting on Sherman's campus, to which I respond I am no one's armpit. (a little play on words/anatomy joke)
Joking aside, I love that Sherman hosts such a club and that they are coordinating events for Sherman. One such event was held today. The LCW was able to put on an event called Sherman Philosophy Weekend which was held today. The event ran from about 3:00 pm until around 9:00 pm. I was able to stay for half of the day event. The event hosted many speakers:
Dr. Sharon Gorman, Dr.
Patty Ribley, Dr. Thom Gelardi, Dr. Chris Kerszko, Dr. Jennifer Brandon,
Dr. Lyle Koca, Dr. Judy Campanale, Dr. Cathy Wendland-Colby, Dr. Norm
Colby, Joanne Gallagher, Dr. Jim Dubel, Dr. Sarah Stephens, Dr. Jonathan
Sem Holloway, and Sherman student Greg Russo.
Here are some of the highlights:
Dr. Sharon Gorman, who is the co-president of LCW, spoke on the importance of the LCW as well as continued need to tell the chiropractic story. She stated the principles of the LCW are based in subluxation, drug free, and the principles of chiropractic. One thing that really resonated with me was her emphasis on loving the patient. The chiropractor needs to "give out of their own abundance" and love no matter what patients do with their care. She stated, "If you dismiss a patient, they don't come back." Patient education is a process.
She also focused on what she perceived as the four needs of a DC. "We need to tell the story of chiropractic, see a lot of people, fill the schools and cover ourselves politically." This emphasized the need to educate future doctors and patients as well as fight the political battles to protect the integrity of our profession in its mission to remove interference.
Next, Dr. Chris Kerszko spoke on Stephenson's Principle 33, The Law of Demand and Supply. Having just taken the philosophy class that covers all 33 principles, I was very excited since this happens to be my favorite principle. Here is the principle for those that don't know it. Click here to see the other 33 principles.
The Law of Demand and Supply
is existent in the body in it’s ideal state; wherein the “clearing
house” is the brain, Innate the virtuous “banker”, brain cells “clerks”,
and nerve cells “messengers.”
Philosophically, this principle has to do with the balance between tissue cells making demands of the innate which are interpreted and intellectually adapted as the innate responds with demands on the tissue cells. This balance allows the innate to properly manage the tissue cells to produce normality in function. Dr. Kerszko related this principle to the fact that there is a demand in the world for health and we must meet that demand. So, Dr. Kerszko left us with some ideas of how to reach the public at large with our message so we can properly meet the demand with the supply of the message of vertebral subluxation.
Then, Joanne Gallagher spoke on passion and mission. This speech was focused on the importance of harnessing the philosophy (the why of what we do), the science (why the why works), and the art (how we apply our knowledge) to be our mission. She stated, "Each of us have a gift and a passion that we incorporate to this philosophy, science, and art." She gave several examples of how we interact with each of these in a daily basis. She also spoke on the importance of learning from the uneducated, common sense attitude of children. They just try to solve problems simply and don't get lost in the details. She recommended at least half a practice be children.
Next, Dr. Jonathan "Sem" Holloway spoke mainly to the students at the event about what it was like starting his practice. He emphasized the need for learning while in school. He stated, "It doesn't matter if you think you will use the [clinical test] in practice. You need to learn it so you can understand why you don't need to use it while in practice."
He also advised students to not be limited by the dogma of a particular technique because we listen to the Innate Intelligence first. (This statement was ironic coming from a doctor that focuses exclusively on upper cervical). Dr. Holloway also emphasized the importance of developing a philosophy in school and getting your degree. On a practical note, he recommended keeping overhead low when starting a business. He also recommended to practice saying "vertebral subluxation" until you are comfortable with the word.
Then, Dr. Sarah Stevens spoke on her journey to Chiropractic as well as the need for unity in our profession. She related our professions to Horton Hears a Who. We are all need to scream at the same time what our profession is in order for the world to hear. More specifically, we need to keep our profession focused on the removal of vertebral subluxation.
Finally, Dr. Thom Gelardi, founder of Sherman College of Chiropractic, spoke his Mission Statement: to bring affordable and effective care to remove vertebral subluxation from the world. This statement for him doesn't speak to any organization or political action group. It doesn't even speak to the chiropractic profession, since it by and large is moving away from the message of subluxation removal. This has been his mission statement for years and he believes it to be just as important in his lift today as in the past. The mission has been constantly fixed, despite approach and semantics evolving over the years.
He also shared his frustration with the classification of chiropractic care into alternative and complementary medicine. "Chiropractic care isn't an alternative to going to the dentist. You still need to go [if you have a cavity]." Dr. Gelardi also stated, "It is complimentary with medicine not to medicine. You only should do what you need. Adjust only if you need it. Take medicine only if you need it. Have surgery only if you need it."
The Sherman College League of Chiropractic Women
The food!
Overall, I really enjoyed the talks. It was nice to hear from all the Doctors that chose to give up their time and speak on a gorgeous Saturday in Spartanburg when they could have been outside. I definitely took away from the even the importance of having a clear mission that Chiropractic is removal of vertebral subluxation and there is am importance of sharing this message with the world along with love and service. I believe this will become an annual event and I hope to attend again next year.
Sorry about the length of this post, but it was a long event and was still occurring when I left. (That is why they call it a Philosophy Weekend). Also, I realize this is a woman's event and I only included pictures of men in my blog. The women at the event moved around too much when they presented so none of my picture turned out.