I had the opportunity to observe Newton’s Law of Motions first hand this weekend. An object in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by an outside force. Where did I see such law in action? I took my two daughters bowling for the first time. A 6 pound ball is not very heavy, but when you consider that it is 1/6 the weight of my 4 year old and 1/5 the weight of my 2 year old you can understand that the force they can apply is not very much. In fact the friction of the 60 ft lane that is oiled was too much for the ball. There were several times when the ball either came to a complete stop or slowed down so much that it started rolling back to us. Roslyn, my 2 year old, would just sit with her legs apart waiting to catch the ball. My favorite part of the whole experience was watching the girls lay on their bellies to watch the ball roll down the lane. See picture below.
Another example of this law is bumpers. The direction the ball started rolling was corrected many times by the bumpers. Whoever invented bumpers greatly increased the enjoyment of bowling for children and adults alike. Ryan Burkhart, fellow Sherman student blogger picked up a spare thanks to the bumpers and Abigail, my 4 your old, got her first strike! I would love to say that I had no need for the bumpers, but they kept me from a couple of gutter balls as well.
I have to get on my soap box for one minute. I love technological advancements. I would not want to have to set up my own pins after every time I rolled the ball, and I don’t have servants to do if for me like the Vanderbilt family at Biltmore house. (For more on Biltmore house visit Ryan’s blog
http://sherman.blogs.com/pride/2013/02/biltmore-house.html) But kids today are not going to learn how to keep score in bowling. The machines do it all for you! And yes I sound like an old person, but that is how I feel. Ok I am off my soap box. Until next time, keep your spine in line!