Do you remember that feeling you had when you finally turned sixteen. You had been driving on your permit with your parents for like a year (more or less depending on the restrictions of your State of origin). You are used to having some oversight. You can't make a wrong turn because your parents would be right there to be a "passenger seat driver." But, in that moment when you take that first solo drive to some place new, there may be some anxiety.
I am having a similar feeling right now since this is my first self produced blog post on TypePad. My prior posts were sent through the administration, but today, the training wheels come off of the bike. So, I am just hoping that I can do this right.
However, there is a certain freedom in being able to blog at any point in time. That is the paradox of freedom. Freedom must be well balanced with responsibility. I can blog about whatever I would like, but there is an expectation that I don't abuse this freedom with slander, hate speak, or anything indecent. However, this blog became very philisophical in nature.
In the mean time, I hope this blog shows up and I formatted it correctly with no spelling mistakes.