This week is a tough one here at Sherman. However, it's probably not for the reasons that you would think. This is the week before finals and it is supposed to reach 80 degrees this week. On top of that, as a twelve week quarter instead of eleven, many of my classes have already finished their curriculum for the quarter, and are just waiting for finals. It's monday afternoon and I'm already finished for the week with 4 of my 8 classes, and by 11:00 am tomorrow I will be done with 6. The smart side of my brain tells me that this is a perfect opportunity to be responsible and begin studying early for my finals, but there's another very persuasive side of my brain that is already looking forward to an extra long weekend to come and beautiful weather leading into it. I know this may seem to some to be a very inconsequential dilemma to have, but this is a very stressful situation after a full quarter of regular routine where I knew exactly how much study time was available each day and worked hard at keeping the appropriate balance. I'm sure I'll figure it out. Well, I'd better go, the warm weather is calling, I mean, the books are calling.