‘Twas the Night before Finals
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
‘Cept a Chiropractic Stu-dent.
The tables were laden with diagnostic books with great care
In hopes that exams would come upon me fully aware.
The creatures were all snug in my bed nice and warm
They all knew I’d still be there when they awoke in the morn.
The coffee pot flowed and I was nearly out of cream
I thought if I sat here much longer I’d scream!
Unfortunate for me I’d become all too aware
The longer I sat
The more subluxated I’d fare.
As I poured knowledge in one ear it flowed out the other
Sometimes I wondered if I should bother.
My head carriage was anterior
My spine was kyphotic
The Anemia Review notes were becoming hypnotic.
The Christmas lights were twinklin’
And I had a thought
I’d be lucky if on Tuesday my brain would have an inklin’.
To all of my Chiropractic friends who study with Faith
I prayed that your Christmas soon would be great!
The love shared correcting vertebral subluxations
Will someday prove worthy
Of helping our patients without hesitations.
Our purpose today will be the same then
To bring Peace, Love and Hope
To all patients with haste!
For a body that is free
And a body that functions
Is the best gift received
When without vertebral subluxation!