How famous are these hands!
How brilliantly they created a strong foundation for Chiropractic to endure into the future!
How simple the concept. So simple one could easily ignore it and become distracted by the fear of dis-ease. So simple as to reflect the natural world and it’s Innate Intelligence.
Take a look at your hands right now. Can they do the work that B.J. has set us to do? The path is not as difficult as it seems, if you are focused. Focus on using your hands to work with Innate Intelligence and the Beauty of the Universe. Focus on becoming a partner to the healing processes of Universal Intelligence.
Desire to teach your patients to become healed on this path of Chiropractic.
Ultimately, have the courage to take your hands and become the path that B.J. created for the health and prosperity of the whole world. What more exciting work is there than this?