I have to apologize to you, me dear reader. (Notice I didn't say "readers", as I know there can only be 1 person bored enought to stumble upon my ramblings...)
I apologize for not writing sooner, but what can I say? I'm lazy Things get crazy this time of the quarter. Tests, tests, and more tests...all pop up and take my attention away.
Then Thanksgiving came. And oh, was it grand! There is just something about time with family to recharge the ol' batteries. Unless you have THAT family. You know the one. Grandma is cranky, Aunt Bertha likes the sauce, and your cousin Joe has this stench that just won't go away. Luckily, my family is nothing like that. I love my family. You would too, except you probably won't get to meet them. Unless you want to come next year?
Anyway - Thanksgiving came and then you realize that there are only 2 weeks of class left and then finals. What?! Finals already?? Seems like yesterday (a month ago) that we were just talking about mid-terms.
So I just wanted to tell you I hadn't forgot you and that this next couple of weeks may be kind of hectic, but I'll do my best to throw you a bone once in a while. 7 finals during finals week. A couple of last minute tests in the mean time. Whew.
Ok, I'm rambling again so I'm off to study. Got an histology exam at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Life is so good.
Only 1,207 days til graduation...