To those who dare to dream; remember, it’s serious business!
But what are we if not our dreams and our hopes? If we dare to dream, and I say we must to live, we risk creating a world that may be different from what we see. We risk ridicule if we speak of our dreams. We risk going against the tide. We risk being alone in our dream – perhaps.
To live is to manifest dreams. We live to create the world that our hearts and minds believe in and wish to experience.
Take the courage to dream. Then take the courage to manifest those dreams. There are those who will/may try to stop you because they are afraid of dreams becoming a reality. Do not fall to their fear.
Just be sure to dream good dreams. Dreams of hope - full of what you love and wish to succeed in. I dream of a world of peace, of love and health. I dream that my work in healing will aid the body to correct those subluxations that cause people to suffer. I dream that with the correction of subluxations the world will be that peaceful and happier place, one spine at a time. What is your dream?