Co-worker Karen Rhodes and I attended the opening night of Alegria at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville last night. It was my first time at a Cirque du Soliel performance and I’ve got to say that if you ever get a chance to see one, TAKE IT!
I’m not sure words can really describe the talent and artistry you see by these performers. Prior to seeing this show I thought the word mesmerizing was just fluff promotion words. Then I caught myself with jaw dropped more than once last night as I watched people contort their bodies in ways you wouldn’t think possible, defy gravity in acrobatic moves and show strength and control in more muscles than I knew a human body had.
I’m sure that others in the audience were mesmerized as well. My evidence? I’ve never been to a performance in this area, be it a concert, a play, a comedic performance when part of the crowd was not breaking for the doors as the show ended. Last night, the audience already on their feet for a standing ovation, reveled in the amazing talent they witnessed. When the lights came on there were several ticks on the clock before the Greenville/Spartanburg audience snapped out of it. Then, we looked toward the exits and made our way out, chattering in amazement at how fortunate we were to see such a thing. The Greenville/Spartanburg audience clearly was moved by Cirque du Soleil.
Alegria has 4 more days at the Bi-Lo Center. Tickets are still available, and if you use this link you will receive a 25% discount on your ticket purchase.