A nine-foot sculpture called Bird of Prey, created by Michael Tracik of Jurassic Park fame and donated to Sherman College by Reggie Gold, goes on public display today at the Spartanburg Science Center in downtown Spartanburg.
The raptor was installed in the lobby area of the east wing of the Chapman Cultural Center to greet visitors and point the way to the Science Center on the second floor. The Bird of Prey is on permanent loan from Sherman College to the Spartanburg Science Center. Thousands of school children on day trips to the center will see the sculpture and perhaps get their first exposure to the word chiropractic and the name of the only chiropractic college in the state of South Carolina—Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic.
The college owes a great big THANK YOU to the Sherman College Alumni Association which funded the cost of moving and installing the sculpture. "We see this as a great opportunity for the Sherman College name to be out in the community and wanted to help make this project happen," said association president Alan Brewster of Passaic Park, NJ. "I can't wait to travel back to Spartanburg and visit the Science Center to see the raptor." Brewster, of course, will be in town for Lyceum next May.
Many alumni and friends of the college will take the opportunity to see the raptor when attending Sherman College CE and graduation events. The Science Center is within walking distance of the downtown Marriott Hotel where both November and May Lyceum functions are held.
I watched the transport and the installation of the sculpture last Thursday. View photos of the Bird of Prey move in my photo album.