1. Eat a good breakfast - I am sure everyone has heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Give you brain the food it needs to get you through those tough exams. One of my childhood favorites is an egg in a hole.
2. Get lots of sleep - I know it is hard to sleep when you are trying to cram as much information in as possible, but the more you sleep the better. Things you have studied go from short term to long term, and you will be able to think clearly when your professors give you those questions that are not straight from the notes, and you actually have to apply the information!
3. Study for your last final first. By the end of the week you will be so burnt out that you just want to be finished. You will not want to study for that last final, but if you study for it first, then all you have to do is review!
4. Stay calm. When you are in the middle of your exam, and you are starting to feel overwhelmed, close your test, put down your pen, take a deep breath. Pray if you feel so lead to do, and then get back to work!
You have worked had all quarter. Now is the time to be rewarded!
5. Remember this too shall pass - in 4 days summer breaks starts!